TC West Titan Hockey
Support TC West Titan Hockey
Please Make Checks Payable to: Traverse City West Hockey Boosters
Please mail contract and payment to:
Mark Reitzel— Attn: TCW Hockey Boosters, 19218 Wildwood Dr, Lake Ann, MI 49650
Please email logos to: Mlafond10@yahoo.com
Sponsorship questions: Mlafond10@yahoo.comge
$100 “IN THE NET package”
$250 “SLAP SHOT Package”
$500 “HAT TRICK Package”
$750 “POWER PLAY Package”
The Traverse City West Titan Hockey program is committed to the academic, athletic and cultural development of dedicated young athletes. Players are fully prepared to work hard on and off the ice and are committed to the kind of effort they know it will take to have the best opportunity to succeed.
Team members provide a positive example to local youth as role models, through community involvement with local businesses and charitable organizations. Traverse City West Titan Hockey provides our players with a higher level of competitive hockey and allows them the opportunity to compete against skilled players.
There are significant costs associated with maintaining a successful high school hockey program. Ice time, off-ice training, equipment, uniforms, and money for travel and game day expenses are a few examples. Although public school systems understand the importance of youth sports, they are unable to fully fund sports programs. This is where YOU can help make a difference. A charitable donation on your part, which is entirely tax-deductible due to the Traverse City West Hockey Booster’s status as a non-profit organization.
In return for your generous donation, you will have access to a wide array of benefits including media visibility and advertising opportunities.